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16 Printable Rent Receipt Templates – Word, PDF

As a landlord, you must find a way to remain transparent with your tenants. It is, therefore, essential to provide them with a rent receipt once they have paid their rent, whether through cash or check.

With a rent receipt template, you can provide your tenants with proof that you have acknowledged their payment, have proper records for your business transactions, and adhere to the landlord requirements in some states.

Also, providing tenants with these rental receipts helps you easily track their payments and ensure they make their rent payments on time. Using the rent receipt template, you can make your work easier and more accurate. With a template, you can include all the required information and customize your receipts to suit your needs.

As a landlord, you must know how to write and issue a receipt to your tenant once you have collected the required payment. In this article, you will learn more about what a rent receipt is, how beneficial it is to you and your tenants, how to prepare one, and the information you need to include in the rent receipt.

Rent Receipt

A rent receipt is a document prepared by a landlord for commercial or residential tenants to acknowledge that the landlord has received the payment. Rental receipts are mainly used when the tenant pays cash, but as a landlord, you can also prepare them when your tenants use credit cards and physical checks.

The receipt should include the amount paid by the tenant, the property address, the payment source, and your signature. Ensure that you provide the receipt once you have confirmed that the total amount of rent has been paid.

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    Alternative names

    A rent receipt can also be referred to as a rent payment receipt, receipt for rent payment, renter’s receipt, rent paid receipt, proof of rent payment, or a rental invoice.


    A rent receipt is mainly prepared and used by landlords for rent payments made through cash payments, check payments, and money orders.

    Benefits of Using Rent Receipts

    There are various benefits of using a rent receipt once you have received the rent payment from your tenants. Here are some of the benefits of using this receipt:

    Verify payments

    Rent receipts verify rental payments, especially those made in cash. Since paying in cash does not provide a paper trail, providing your tenant with a receipt is vital as it acts as a document that can be used for future reference purposes. This is important when you get audited or when the tenant files a claim with you regarding rent.

    Maintain a professional relationship with tenants

    Another significant benefit of using a receipt is that it helps maintain a professional relationship with your tenants. You will be able to have a proper and professional relationship with your tenants because of providing them with receipts for commercial or residential spaces once you receive rent payment.

    Tax credit

    As a landlord or renter, you might also need the receipt if your state requires you to provide a tax credit. This means that with a receipt, you will have a document that can be used to verify the payment made and make it easier for you to claim your tax credit.

    Credit reporting

    You can quickly raise your credit score to increase your chances of getting loans from lenders using your rent receipts. As a landlord, having this receipt is proof that rental payments were made in time and in full. That means your credit reporting will be good enough to attract more lenders.

    Help you stay organized

    Another benefit of using the renter’s receipt is that it helps you to stay organized. You can easily keep track of the rent payments and simplify your record keeping by using these receipts. In addition, it is possible to know the tenants who have already made payments and identify those who are late or have yet to pay rent.

    This way, you can easily handle your income and expenses as a landlord while avoiding losses.

    Rental history

    Providing tenants with a rent receipt is crucial as it benefits their rental history. While you can correctly record your transactions, a receipt is vital since you can properly analyze your tenant’s rental history based on the receipts they provide. This is done before renting out a commercial or residential space during the verification stage.

    Abide by the law

    In some cases, it is beneficial to use rent receipts if they are required in your state to abide by the law. Ensure you check your local laws regarding landlords and tenants. Some States will require you to provide a rent receipt for rent payment done via all forms of payment, while others will need receipts for cash payment only.

    Impress your tenants

    With a rent receipt, you will likely delight and impress your tenants and improve their turnover. This is because they will view you as an organized and transparent landlord.

    Dispute settlement

    The final benefit of using a receipt is that it will play an essential role during dispute settlement regarding rent between you and your tenant. A tenant cannot make false claims about paying rent since they will need to show you a rent receipt. Also, you will have proper records supporting your case and increasing your credibility as the landlord.

    Finally, a rent receipt will protect you from tenants who claim to have made their rent payment, yet their checks bounced.

    How Does a Rent Receipt Work

    When it comes to a receipt, here is how it works:

    Collect the rent

    As the landlord, you will start by first collecting the rent from your tenant based on your rental agreement with them.

    Whether it is cash payment or electronic payment, ensure you record the amount paid and the rental period it is intended for in the rent receipt.

    Landlord’s signature

    Once you have included the details above, proceed to include your signature as the landlord. You need to add your signature as the receipt is proof of rent payment.

    Keep the copy of the receipt

    Finally, ensure that you hand the receipt to the tenant and remain with a copy for record keeping. It is essential to store it safely for future reference in case of any issue with your tenant.

    How to Fill a Rent Receipt

    When filling out a receipt, there are essential details that you must include in the document. Below is the information that must be found in the rent receipt for it to be considered complete and adequate:

    Reference information

    The reference information is necessary to make it easier for you and your tenant to identify the receipt for future purposes.

    • Payment date: The exact calendar date when the tenant paid their rent. This information should be included in the top right corner of the receipt.
    • Receipt number: A receipt number is abbreviated as “No.” and is meant to present the receipt’s identification or filing number. It is important to include a receipt number as it always has a unique number that will make it easier for you to keep track of your receipts.

    Payment information

    After that, proceed to include the payment information in the rent receipt. The following information should be included in this section:

    • Tenant’s name: Ensure you include the full official name of your tenant or the party making the rent payment. This section is meant to identify the person you received the rent from.
    • Payment amount: To make it easier for anyone to know the amount of rent paid, ensure you include the payment amount in the receipt.
    • Payment method: It is also important that your rent receipt identifies the payment method the tenant used to pay rent. This can include cash payment, a check, or even a money order.
    • Rental address: You must establish the property location by including the rental address. This is done by including the location of the property or premises, building number, street name or number, and even the apartment number or unit number (if required).
    • Rental period: Ensure you indicate the rental period that was being paid for by the tenant. This is usually the time frame that the tenant agreed to pay the indicated amount in your rental agreement.
    • Remaining balance: If you have not received the rent amount in full, ensure that you indicate the balance in the receipt. This ensures that you have a record for better accounting records.
    • Late fees: As per your rental agreement, you should also indicate the late fees the tenant needs to pay if they have delayed paying their rent.

    Payment verification

    The final section of the receipt is all about payment verification and finalizing the receipt. You should include the following details:

    • Landlord’s name: Include your name to indicate that you received the rent. In other cases, you might need to indicate the property manager’s name if you have tasked them with receiving rent from your tenants.
    • Contact number: Ensure that you include your official address and telephone number in the receipt.
    • Signature: Include your signature to finalize the receipt and prepare it for the tenant. Ensure that you have received the indicated amount before signing the receipt.

    Rent Receipt Book vs. Rent Receipt Template

    A rent receipt book is a book that contains forms that will be filled with the required rent receipt details to make them complete before you can give them to your tenant. This differs from a rent receipt template, a pre-built form used to create receipts.

    A rent receipt book and a rent receipt template have pros and cons. However, when it comes to a rent receipt book, they are beneficial in that:

    • It can be easily bought at dollar stores and office supplies stores.
    • You do not require technical knowledge or the internet to access these forms and prepare receipts.
    • It can be easily accessed and used.

    However, a rent receipt book has the following cons:

    • If a receipt book is lost or damaged, you, as a landlord, will lose all your receipt copies.
    • A rent receipt book makes it difficult and somewhat impossible to organize individual receipts.
    • Finally, it is impossible to customize the receipts you prepare from a rent receipt book.

    Here are some of the pros in the case of a rent receipt template:

    • You can easily make copies and save them online using a rent receipt template.
    • Templates are easy to customize and update, allowing you to reproduce various rent receipt copies.
    • Finally, multiple users are easily accessible, which is crucial for completing your work faster and easier.

    However, a receipt template has the following cons:

    • Using a rent receipt template may require technical knowledge and internet access to prepare the receipts.
    • It may be impossible to transfer your template to another rent receipt software program.
    • You may need to purchase the software to use the rent receipt template, which might be expensive.

    Landlord’s Responsibilities According to States

    Depending on the State you live in and the payment method used by your tenants, you might have to provide the tenants with a receipt once you receive the rent payment. Again, based on your state, here are some responsibilities you must uphold as a landlord:

    • In Massachusetts State, you are required by the law to provide your tenants with rent receipts.
    • In States like Maryland, Texas, and Washington, the landlord must provide tenants with rent receipts for cash payments.
    • In Colorado State, you need to provide your tenant with a receipt if they pay using cash and request a receipt from you.
    • In other States like Alabama, no legislation requires you as a landlord to provide your tenants with a rent receipt. You can choose to either provide them with a receipt or not.

    Although it is essential to confirm what your state says regarding rent receipts, it is equally important to consider the laws and regulations governing your particular city. This is because some cities may require you to provide tenants with these rental receipts even though the state does not outline the same. Therefore, having a receipt is incredibly beneficial to you and your tenants.

    Do’s and Don’ts of Providing Rent Receipts to the Tenants

    As a landlord, here are some do’s and don’ts that you need to consider when providing rent receipts to your tenants:


    • Always provide tenants with the receipts according to your country or state’s laws.
    • It is essential to always keep a copy of the rent receipt for future use.
    • For easier and correct receipt preparation, it is best to use a template to include all the required information.


    • Do not provide a rental receipt before receiving payment from the tenant.
    • Do not fail to include your official signature or the company’s stamp. This is required for verification of the document and to make it official.
    • Do not include the remaining balance if the receipt is for periodic payments over a particular tenancy period.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do rent receipts need to be signed?

    Rent receipts need to be signed by the landlord or, in some cases, the person receiving the rent payment, such as the property manager.

    Should landlords keep copies of rent receipts?

    Landlords are not required to keep copies of their rent receipts. However, it is advisable to keep copies of the receipts for financial record keeping and as evidence in case of any legal claims by the tenant.

    Should you give a receipt to tenants for security deposits or pet rent?

    As a landlord, you must give your tenants a receipt for their security deposits and pet rents. Once agreed upon in the lease agreement, the security deposit and pet rent payment need receipts which will act as proof documents for your tenants.
    For such scenarios, ensure you prepare a security deposit receipt and pet rent receipt, which are different from the rent receipt.

    What counts as a rent receipt?

    A document will count as a rent receipt if it shows evidence of a rent payment made by a tenant and acts as a record of income for the landlord. Therefore, it should include the amount paid, the payment method used, and the property location.

    What makes a receipt official?

    A receipt becomes official once you, as the landlord, sign the receipt. The signature makes the document final and proves that the rent has been paid.

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