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5 Recruiter Cover Letter Templates – Effective Practices

If you are a candidate applying for the job of a recruiter, you need to include your resume and an enticing cover letter in your application documents. A cover letter is an official document that will enable you to highlight your skills, experience, achievements, and reasons why the company should hire you as a recruiter.

A company will only hire you as a job recruiter if you have proper knowledge of the hiring process, which involves sorting through a pool of job candidates and hiring qualified staff. It is all about convincing the hiring manager that you will benefit them by selecting job candidates who represent and uphold the company’s brand. That means you must craft a brief yet detailed and engaging cover letter that focuses on relevant information about you as a recruiter.

With a proper cover letter for a recruiter position, you will be able to protrude and increase your chances of getting an interview. Whether you are an experienced or an entry-level job candidate, you must include a cover letter in your application documents.

In this article, you will learn more about a recruiter cover letter for an individual applying for the job recruiter position and how to make it appealing to HR.

Skills required for the position of a recruiter

If you are applying for the position of a recruiter, there are specific skills that your prospective employer will be looking for. Ensure that you highlight these skills in your recruiter cover letter.

They include the following:

  • Communication skills
  • IT and social media skills
  • Motivated and persistent
  • Multitasking skills
  • Marketing and sales skills
  • Time management skills
  • Relationship-building skills

Important: For your cover letter to be effective, the information you include must complement your resume. This way, you will attract the hiring manager to review your entire cover letter and resume, improving your chances of landing an interview for the recruiter position.

Download Free Templates

Following are the recruiter cover letter templates that you can download for free:

What to Include in Recruiter Cover Letter?

When writing a cover letter, there are particular details that you must include in your document.

This information includes the following:

Introduce yourself

Start the cover letter by introducing yourself to the hiring manager in an attention-grabbing manner. Your aim is to make an excellent first impression, which means you should avoid generic and cliché information. Keep in mind that this section will determine whether or not the hiring manager will be interested in reading the rest of your cover letter.

In your introduction section, include your name and mention that you are applying for the vacant position as a job recruiter. Also, briefly highlight one or two skills that make you an outstanding recruiter. Avoid going into details in this section. The aim is to intrigue the hiring manager to discover more about you by reading the entire cover letter.

Reason for applying

Proceed to state why you are applying for the job position of a recruiter in that company. For this section, you need to highlight how you can be a good fit for the company by mentioning a few of your skills or experience as a recruiter.

Sell your strong points

Once you have a basis of some of your skills or experience in the first paragraph, you can center this next section on that. You will need to expand on the information by selling your strong points to the hiring manager to convince them to hire you. This is all based on your skills, experience, and qualifications.

You should have hard skills: a data-driven mentality, marketing, and sales skills, ability to use technology, critical thinking, social media knowledge, multitasking and time management, ability to manage expectations, a strong aptitude for learning, event networking, and negotiating skills.

When it comes to soft skills, ensure you include: communication skills, confidence, listening skills, reliability, ability to read body language, patience, empathy, conflict resolution skills, ability to work under pressure, teamwork, and flexibility.

  • Brag about your skills– For this section, ensure that you brag about the hard and soft skills you possess as a recruiter.
  • Showcase your previous experience– Ensure that you include examples of your work experience from your previous workplaces.
  • Add any data points to support your claims– To back up your claims about your skills and experience, ensure that you include data points. Data points are hard numbers that help to represent the kind of work experience you have had, such as the number of applicants you interviewed, the number of phone calls you received, and many more.

Quantify your accomplishments

It is also essential to mention your achievements and accomplishments concerning the job position. This section must be quantified as it will show your prospective employer that you are a diligent and result-oriented individual. To successfully quantify accomplishments in your cover letter, use dollar amounts, timespans, volume, and percentages.

What can you bring to the table if hired?

This section requires you to include details of what you can bring to the table if hired as an employee. It is all about focusing on how the company will benefit from you if the hiring manager selects you for the position of recruiter in the company.

For example:

Based on my skills and experience, if you hire me for the vacant job recruiter position, I believe I can increase the retention rate of employees by hiring qualified personnel.

Call to action

Finally, you need to have a call to action in the last paragraph of your cover letter. Here, you will request the hiring manager to take a particular action, such as extending their desire for an interview. Again, ensure you are polite and impactful, as the last paragraph should be as inviting as the first paragraph.

Recruiter Cover Letter Template

[Your name]

[Your full address]

[Your phone number]

[Your email address]


[Recipient’s name]

[Recipient’s title]

[Company’s name]

[Company’s address]

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am [your name] writing this letter regarding [mention that you are applying for the vacant job position]. Since your company is looking for a [highlight aspects of their job description], I believe that my [mention a skill or two] makes me the most qualified candidate for the job. Therefore, I am applying for the [mention the job position] because [highlight the reason for applying].

Based on my [mention your level of experience], I managed to [highlight your experience] at [name of the company], which contributed to [mention the outcome]. Using my [skill] and [skill], I successfully started and managed [brag about your skills]. This led to an increase of [add any data points] concerning work performance at the company.

Also, I believe that [highlight your accomplishments] makes me suitable for the recruiter position here at your company. With my skills and experience, I believe that your company will [mention what you bring to the table if hired]. Again, I appreciate you for taking the time to consider my work. To further discuss my skills, experience, and achievements, please [include a call to action].


[Your signature]

[Your name]

Recruiter Cover Letter Sample

Abigail Smith

734, Arrive Avenue

777 777 7777

[email protected]

14th September 2022

Jacob John

Hiring Manager

CVT Limited Company

1029, Enter High Road

Dear Mr. John,

Based on your advertisement on the company’s website, I am writing this letter to apply for the vacant senior recruiter position. I am Abigail Smith, and I would like to express my interest and passion for working here at CVT Limited Company. Since your company requires an experienced individual with good communication and interpersonal skills, I believe that I am qualified to apply for the recruiter position.

With my 6 years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in human resources, I have the proper training, education, and experience required for the senior recruiter position. My multitasking abilities, marketing, and sales skills, critical thinking, and time management skills make me capable of the duties and responsibilities that come with that position. I applied my hard and soft skills when sorting through application documents, conducting interviews, and hiring candidates based on how well they matched the required skill sets and experience levels.

As a recruiter manager at ABC, I sorted through a giant pool of applicants to ensure I selected qualified job candidates for the correct positions. With almost 1000 application documents to sort through, I was tasked with spotting suitable applicants and showing them the benefits of joining the company. Also, my ability to use technology and effectively vet these applicants meant that I could hire up to 450 qualified and suitable candidates to work at the company.

I believe that this level of experience and success as a recruiter is what your company is looking for. With the retention rate of newly hired employees being 25 percent in my previous company, hiring me will guarantee success rates when selecting the best employees for your company. Working alongside the HR department, my focus will be to ensure that we help candidates find a great occupational fit for their skill sets and work background.

I am available for an interview for further details about my skills, experience, and qualifications as a recruiter. Please feel free to contact me by email or phone number at 777-777-777.


[Your signature]

[Your name]

Effective Practices

You need to observe certain practices when writing your cover letter if you wish to craft an appealing document.

These effective practices are as follows:

Take assessments

Ensure that you assess yourself first before writing the cover letter. Assessments will allow you to determine your strengths, weaknesses, and interests as a recruiter. Then, you can craft a brief and detailed cover letter for the recruiter position with the correct information.

Prepare for a lengthy research

When writing an excellent cover letter, you must prepare lengthy research. Having the proper knowledge to write this document is not enough. You must conduct a detailed research about the company and the job position you are applying for. This way, your cover letter will be better tailored to suit your prospective employer’s needs.

Use your contacts

It would be best to use your contacts, such as family, friends, and colleagues, to write a cover letter better. In addition, your contacts can provide you with details about the job recruiter position and the companies you are applying to by contacting the hiring managers. This will help you write a better recruiter cover letter.

Follow up

Once you have sent your cover letter and other application documents for the job recruiter position, it is essential to follow up. Unless your prospective employer has rejected you, you should follow up on the hiring process to learn about your application status. This will also portray you as a serious individual who takes the initiative to know about the expected outcome.  

Don’t send a generic letter

Whether you are writing from scratch or using a template to prepare your cover letter, it is crucial to avoid sending a generic letter. Instead, ensure that you directly address your letter to the hiring manager and tailor it to suit the specific job position and company you are applying to. This will show that you are interested in the job opportunity and have researched the company properly.

Tailor your cover letter

Finally, it is crucial to tailor your cover letter to the specific job requirements, job description, and company goals. These details are usually found on the company’s website and will help you tailor your letter to suit what your prospective employer is looking for in job candidates.

Key Takeaways

  • A prospective employer will only hire you if you portray yourself as a qualified candidate for the job position of a recruiter by crafting an appealing cover letter.
  • When writing your recruiter cover letter, ensure you focus on your strong points, such as skills and experience, to avoid spiraling out and having a very long document.
  • To make your cover letter powerful, you should include numerical data to support your claims and act as proof of your skills.
  • Using a template as a guide when crafting your cover letter is beneficial to ensure that you properly outline the required information.

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