A Training Evaluation Form is a tool that is used either by trainers and trainees to determine the quality, relevance, and comprehensiveness of a training session. Ideally, the Training Evaluation Forms help gather accurate responses from individuals after participating in a training program.
Whether you are a student or an employee, training programs your competency by strengthening your skills and know-how. However, not all training programs offer additional value to your existing skills. In order to assess the value of a professional training program, using Training Evaluation Forms will help you significantly.
Besides, a Training Evaluation Forms helps you isolate which parts of the training program are most useful to a specific individual. This will help you save your time and resources and make you concentrate on acquiring the best ideas that play relevance to you.
By capturing both positive and negative feedback, Training Evaluation Forms help both the trainee and the trainer identify factors that need improvement to make it better. That being said, the evaluation form provides you with the opportunity to gauge various factors such as the level of engagement, the relevancy of training, and training effectiveness.
Elements of a Training Evaluation Form
Usually, standard Training Evaluation Forms do include the following information:
- The title of the training event
- The date in which the training is conducted
- The venue in which training is conducted
- The names of attendants, facilitators, and organizers
- Training Evaluation questionnaire
- Space for comments, suggestions or recommendation
How to Write an Effective Training Evaluation Form
Sometimes, creating an effective Training Evaluation Form can be a hectic job, especially if you are doing it for the first time. Other than taking lots of valuable time, it also requires utmost concentration and focus. So as to save yourself from the hectic, you can download our free Training Evaluation Forms here. However, if you decide to create one of your own from scratch, the following steps will help you through:
Start with the introduction
The first thing you should write when drafting your Training Evaluation Forms is the introduction. This section is essential as it provides the reader with a brief outline of the form. Some of the essential things to include in the introductory part include the training program’s title, the dates, place, and names of the participants. If there were multiple facilitators in the event, be sure to include both of their names. As a golden tip, make sure your introductory part is brief, concise, and well understandable.
Create a questionnaire
Once you’ve cleared with the introduction, the next phase should be creating a questionnaire. When drafting your queries, make sure you divide them into various subsections, as highlighted below.
- The efficiency of the training program: You will pay more attention to the effectiveness of the training program. What are some of the experiences, lessons, or ideas did you get from the training program. Or, what challenges hinder you from getting taught concepts.
- Satisfaction: This part of the questionnaire will attempt to assess your level of satisfaction with the training program. Other parameters tested include the consciousness and content delivery methods deployed by the trainer. Were they satisfying enough? Was the trainer educative, friendly, or supportive? These are some of the questions to ask in this section.
- Level of engagement: In order for training to be practical, the level of engagement should be an essential factor to consider. Here, look for a few things that distracted your attention or things that disinterested you during the training.
Develop an effective rating system
Coming up with an effective rating scale brings you closer to finding the best feedback from your training evaluation. Therefore, the more perfect your rating system is, the high chances you will evaluate every aspect in a quality manner. Usually, the most commonly used rating system includes numerical and descriptive ratings.
Additional comment or suggestion
Your Training Evaluation Forms can never be complete without providing a section for additional comments. In case an individual has some information they feel hasn’t been covered in the Training Evaluation Form, they can freely add them under this section. At the same time, you can use this section to probe for possible techniques that can be used to improve the training experience in the future.
Free Forms
Benefits of Training Evaluation Forms
Following are a few benefits of using training evaluation forms:
Measures participant engagement
The Training Evaluation Forms make it easy to measure participant reaction after a training event has been completed. Sometimes, you may want to know whether the participants enjoyed the training or if the content covered were relevant and engaging. Therefore, the simplest way to measure such is through Training Evaluation Forms.
Helps measure learning acquired
Through the Training Evaluation Forms, the facilitators can determine whether their participants are gaining new knowledge. If the participants aren’t learning new concepts, the chances are that the whole process is ineffective. Therefore, the facilitator can change their training method in future events.
Helps determine training return on investment
If workers are encouraged to manage their poor performance and are supported in their weak areas, they become motivated and reenergized to improve on their weaknesses. After having a training session, your workers should be able to apprehend the new ideas and put them into action. Therefore, a Training Evaluation Form will help you measure the changes (productivity/results) brought about as a result of training within your organization.
Measures the effectiveness of a training program
Training Evaluation Form helps in identifying whether the participants gained new skills during their training. Besides, it helps determine the sustainability and relevance of the training program to the organization. Simultaneously, training evaluation forms help identify and understand some of the loopholes that manifested during the training.
Final Thought
Training evaluation form helps in ensuring that the training programs follow the competency gaps and that the deliverables aren’t conceded upon. Therefore, employers should always take the initiative of supporting their workers by offering them training programs. However, it’s important to conduct a Training Evaluation Forms to ascertain that the programs help them grow in their respective fields.