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32 Free Event Proposal Templates (Word | PDF)

As an event manager, writing an event proposal will be the key to your success. You need to be professional, direct, concise, conversational, casual, complete, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! A lot of resources go into creating a perfect event proposal, so as an event manager, you want to make sure you get the best result from the effort you put in. As an event planning manager, you must know how to draft an event planning proposal that will capture your client’s attention.

Event proposals are the epithet of your style applied to your client’s vision, and they can either land you a new deal or open the door for your competitors. With so much at stake, we are determined to guide you through creating an event proposal that will help you stand out from the rest.

What is an Event Proposal?

An event proposal is a comprehensive document that lays down every aspect of an event. An event proposal is usually prepared at the early stages of planning. It covers several things, including the individuals and companies who will be involved, the aim of the event, and the logistics of running the event. An event proposal works as a roadmap, a mission statement, and a marketing tool for an event.

Note: Event proposals can be used for any event, from church events, music events, weddings, and sponsorship events to fundraising events, photography events, and much more.

Pre-Writing Considerations

When it comes to writing an effective event proposal, you will want to make some considerations before you start writing the proposal itself. Some of these considerations include:

Gather data first

It is essential to know as much as possible about the event before writing the proposal. For example, you will want to know the event’s details, such as who the event is for and why it is being organized. In addition, you will want to know who the target audience for your event proposal is and what specific goals you hope to achieve for your client through this proposal.

Create an outline

Before you start writing your actual event proposal, it is a good idea to create a tentative outline of the proposal itself. This will help you develop a framework and structure for the rest of your event proposal to fall into later. The outline will also help you know where to put the different sections of your proposal.

Explain why you should be picked

One of the most critical parts of successful event proposals is to explain why you are a good fit to complete this project. It is not only vital that you know what your client needs or for what specific reasons they wish to have your company organize this event, but it is also important that it be evident from your proposal itself. You will want to outline why you are the best person for this job and how you plan on being able to fulfill their needs and expectations.

Display your creativity

One of the best parts of event organizing is being creative. State how your creativity will play a role in the success of this event. Will you be able to come up with unique elements for the presentation? Will your presentation and unique theme attract people? These are some questions you will want to ask yourself to display creative ideas in your proposal.

Estimate the budget

Before you begin writing your event proposal, you will want to know what each aspect of the event will cost. This will be vital information to consider when you write your budget. In addition, it would be best to consider whether or not there is any potential for revenue within the event and whether or not the proposed budget is operationally viable and practical.

Getting Started on the Event Proposal

An event proposal should be written with the client in mind. Event planning is a service business, and the services offered, that personal touch and the creative approach one takes are what makes an event successful and unforgettable, two characteristics that go a long way in maintaining and generating new customers for your business. An event proposal should be well written and thoroughly thought of, providing the required details to help the client in envisioning what you have in mind.

Introduce yourself and the project

Start the proposal with a brief introduction of who you are and what you are offering. Include details on how long you have been in business and add your professional background.

Event description

Summarize the event, including all the details discussed during your meetings with the client. These include the goals of the event, number of guests, the time and location for the event.

Services provided

This section is very important. The client needs to understand the type of services you will be offering in the event. One of the best ways to do this is to list all the services in bullet points.

Show your previous work

You can include similar events that you may have planned in the past. In this section, you can include the photos and testimonials from your clients to showcase your work. Having things to compare against can really give you an edge and help in streamlining the even.

Include a timeline

All clients care about the timeline. One of the key ways of grabbing their attention is by alleviating this concern ahead of time by including an estimated timeline of your work. While discussing with the client, the key point to communicate is to let them feel like you have everything under control and that they will not have to stress over the event.

Incorporate monetary information

After the client has gone through the major part of your proposal, taking in all the details and images of the event you envisage for their event; their mindset normally shifts when it comes to the section that talks about money. Maintaining your tone in this section and carefully guiding the client through the aspects of this event by properly articulating the cost can really help your client in understanding the value for their money.

Event policies

Right at the very end of your proposal, include your event’s policies or the terms and conditions that will govern the event. This is so that the client knows exactly what they are entering into. This section also ensures that you are protected.

When writing down the policies, try to make them look and sound as professional as possible.

Event proposals are as important to an event planner as oxygen is to the human body. In fact, an event proposal is an introductory piece and the major determinant in your client’s decision to take you seriously. An event proposal is necessary as it determines whether you are gaining new clients or leaving a chance for your competitors to swoop in. Understanding what to include in your proposal is an important part of winning new clients. This knowledge is what separates those who are successful in the event planning business from those who aren’t. As an event planner, you should always be keen on details; don’t leave out any information that may be crucial in winning you a new client.

Tip: Don’t forget to add your contact information, including your phone number, email, and website address, so that prospective clients can be able to contact you with any questions or, even better, hire you for the project.

Drafting an event proposal can, at times, feel like more effort than they are worth. We hope that by adhering to this guide, you’ll be able to save time, reduce stress, and secure more clients.

Event Proposal Template

An event proposal template is a framework whose main aim is to guide you through the process of writing an event proposal. It outlines the elements of an event proposal or contract. It typically includes an introduction, the details of the event itself (including potential costs), a timeline and budget, a description of desired results, and a reference for contact information.

Why Should you Use the Template?

An event proposal template is a helpful tool that professional and amateur event organizers can use to create a polished, professional-looking event proposal. While some event organizers may not necessarily need a template to help them write an effective proposal, it is still a good idea to have one since it will help you organize all of your ideas and make the proposal easier for your client or employer to read. This will also make the event proposal look more professional and polished, which is always a plus. Templates avoid this extra step of re-writing unnecessary sections as well. You can download and use our pre-made event proposal templates for a more convenient experience.

Event Proposal Samples & Examples

Sample Event Proposal

Title of Event: Betty Jewellery Fair

Venue and Time of the Event: Creator gardens 242 range road

From 12th -14th September 2020

Proposed By: John McCain, Executive Director

Agency Name: ABC Inc, Creator range

Event Description:

With gold, silver, diamond, and platinum becoming expensive each day, most people are moving their attention towards costume jewelry. Hence the reason why the industry has expanded so much. This has since motivated us to try and bring the different branches of costume jewelry together under one roof to enable the customers to buy from a wide range. We have also organized workshops to help self-employed people acquire the needed skills in this area.

Statement of Merit:

This event seeks to involve not only the industries manufacturing jewelry with various stone and metal but also handicrafts who work with fruit seeds, buttons, mother pearl, and wooden pieces

Audio Visual Requirements:

• Speaker

• Projectors

• DVD player

The Various Events

12th September: inauguration and introduction of all the participants at the event

13th September: Jewellery making workshop with both metal and stones

14th September: workshop on the different handicraft-based jewelry from foreigners like Nairobi, Spain, South Africa, Bangkok, Nigeria, etc.













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        How to Follow up

        After you have sent off your event proposal, it is essential to follow up with your client as soon as possible. If you cannot set a face-to-face meeting, it is still a good idea to follow up by phone. However, the most significant thing is to follow up as quickly and as often as possible. This will show your client(s) that you are eager and interested in this project and will show them that your proposal is severe rather than just a formality.


        Event proposals are a great way to establish yourself as an event planner or event organizer. If you have never worked with an event planning company before, it can be challenging for clients to trust you. However, a well-written event proposal can be an excellent tool for convincing clients of your ability as an event organizer and will help you get more work in the future. To help you write a winning proposal, you might consider using an event proposal template. A well-crafted event proposal template will help you organize your thoughts, making your event proposal look more professional and polished.

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