12 Free Inquiry Letter Templates (How to Format & Types)

The purpose of an inquiry letter is to help buyers gather crucial information that can aid in their decision-making process. A letter of inquiry can help a business seek the information it needs about a product to make an informed purchase. In addition to gathering information, it can introduce a business to a potential vendor and allow the buyer to …

12 Free Presentation Evaluation Forms (What to Include)

A presentation evaluation form is a document used by an evaluator to analyze and review a particular presentation. The form allows you to give structured feedback to the presenter about their presentation. Additionally, it can be used whenever you want to rate an individual’s presentation skills. Assessments are an important means for individuals to improve themselves, and you must therefore …

Free Printable Classroom Shapes – PDF

It is crucial to use diverse learning methods to keep students engaged during lessons. When working with children, shapes are some of the simplest yet most fundamental things they should learn. Printable shapes can be an interesting way to make learning enjoyable. They will form the basis for other learning activities like writing and mathematics. Therefore, using shapes and colors …

New Job Congratulations Letter Samples

A congratulations letter is a formal letter that allows you to recognize a person’s achievement and express your congratulations. Congratulations letters allow you to network with other professionals in your career. This is because you can write congratulations letters to new workmates and build a positive work relationship with them. A congratulations letter lets you stay in touch with your …

Agriculture Resume Templates [What to Include & Examples]

An agriculture resume is a formal document that summarizes a job applicant’s competencies, skills, and experience that make them a suitable candidate for a job in the agriculture sector. The resume should show the candidate’s overall suitability for the particular position they are applying for. The components of a resume include work history, educational background, relevant skills, and other details …

6 Best Welcome Letter Samples – Tips

Once an employer hires an employee, professional etiquette requires them to welcome this new member to the team. An employer can use a letter to welcome the employee. In the letter, the hiring manager should provide information about the company to help the new employee enter the work environment smoothly. Also, the employer should celebrate and appreciate them for joining …

How to Word a Friendly Letter (Samples)

A friendly letter is a simple way to stay in touch with someone you do not see often. You can use it to send birthday wishes, update someone on your achievement, ask for advice, thank someone for helping you, or remain in contact with family and friends. To ensure you build rapport and maintain relationships with the people you care …

Free Printable Family Newsletter Templates

In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected with loved ones can be challenging, mainly when family members live in different cities, states, or even countries. However, this cannot always be the case. Family newsletters can prove very beneficial to anyone facing this situation. These regular updates provide a way for family members to stay informed about each other’s lives, even if …

14 Technical Demand Letter Templates – Samples

A demand letter is a document sent to a second party demanding the fulfillment of a particular condition to resolve a dispute. They are usually sent when the sender wants their issue addressed urgently. In most cases, the sender usually uses other methods like phone calls and emails to resolve their issue with the offending party. A demand letter is …

Basic Residential Lease Agreement Templates – Word

When looking for an apartment or a property to rent, the property should meet several legal and personal requirements. If the tenant finds the right property, they can proceed to sign a residential lease agreement with the property owner. However, before signing a lease agreement, it is necessary to evaluate and examine all details about the property, such as its …

6 Farewell Letter Samples for Co-workers

Employees write farewell letters to their colleagues when leaving the company where they work. Farewell letters are essential since they make employees’ colleagues aware of their intentions to leave the company professionally and allow them to continue being in touch with their workmates even after parting. Moreover, staying in touch with former colleagues allows a person to maintain connections with …

Thank You Letter for A Gift – Samples – Templates

It is common to receive gifts from relatives, friends, or business partners, and it is advisable to appreciate their generosity. To do this, you can opt to write a thank you letter. A thank you letter for a gift lets you express gratitude and lets the giver know that you value the gift they gave you. Furthermore, the letter encourages …

Free Employment Verification Letter Templates – Word

If you have been in the job market for a while as an employer, you have probably been asked to give proof of employment to an employee before they can access particular services. Most employers, organizations, and even government institutions often require this proof to verify that the employee can fulfil their financial obligations. In these circumstances, you are required …

How to Write an Appeal Letter [FREE Templates – Samples]

An appeal letter is a written document you should submit when you feel like you have been treated unfairly in a professional environment. The letter should be submitted to the relevant authority if you need a decision to be reconsidered. In most organizations, certain decisions are considered to be pending until they have been signed and documented. That means that …

6 Best Letter of Support Templates (How to Write)

A letter of support is an important document for advocacy and can significantly impact the success of a proposal or initiative. The letter is usually addressed to a specific person or organization and is intended to demonstrate that the writer approves of the person, project, or idea in question. Since this letter determines an individual’s chance of acquiring what they …

7 Awesome Christmas Award Certificate Templates

An award certificate is usually given by an organization to people or groups such as an employee, athletes, students, companies, etc., for their efforts or service, for which they are not expected to receive any financial reward. Such certificates are issued to reward achievements. Rewarding and showing appreciation to people for their efforts toward something is important. However, it is …