6 min read

Sample Thank You Note for Housewarming Gifts

Moving into another home is usually a new experience. Often, you want to share your happiness on the move by inviting family and friends. Even if you do not host a party, your friends may visit you to drop off housewarming gifts. Once you settle, you need to list the gifts you have received and thank your friends for them.

You can thank them verbally or in writing. Verbal thank-yous are often sufficient when you open the gift in your guest’s presence. If you thank them in writing, you can use a housewarming gift thank you note.

A thank you note is a brief document appreciating the giver for the gift. It allows you to confirm that you received the gift and share your joy at receiving it. While the primary intent of the note is to appreciate the giver, your note also allows you to portray good aspects of your personality, such as ingenuity. Your note should also be relevant and appropriate to the situation.

While it may seem unnecessary, a thank you note is an essential sign of etiquette in everyday living. They are helpful in many instances, so you must know how to write them. This article provides a practical guide on how to write a housewarming gift thank you note. It explains why you need the note and tips to write an excellent one.

Housewarming Gift Templates

You can download the following templates for free:

Why Should You Write Thank You Note for Housewarming Gift?

Besides being courteous, thank-you notes allow you to express yourself to your friends, family, and colleagues. You can use these notes to strengthen your relationships with them. Often, a thank you note shows your recipient that you appreciate their effort in getting you a gift by writing a personalized note.

Some of the other reasons why you should write a note are:

  • Thank you notes allow you to distinguish yourself, especially now that almost everything is digitized.
  • They are a sign of good manners. While writing this note may seem tasking, it allows you to fulfill societal expectations, as appreciation is essential to social interactions. These notes allow you to perpetuate and continue a gift-giving and appreciation culture within your relationships.
  • The note allows you to maintain your friendships and other relationships. With a compelling note, you create connections that you care for your friends and appreciate their gifts.
  • A thank you note acknowledges that you have received the gifts sent to you. If the gifts have not been dropped personally, it is good to send the note to your friend, so they know you got their gift.
  • Gift-giving is for both the giver and the recipient. By sending the note, you could make the giver’s day. Your note is an excellent way to reflect on your relationships and connections. When writing your note, you appreciate the giver’s time and effort in selecting and sending you a gift, and the note acknowledges the sender’s effort.
  • Your note could be stored as a keepsake by your friends. It could be used to remember when you moved into your new house.
  • Thank you notes also allow you to show you are thoughtful. They are a way for you to exhibit positive attributes such as graciousness.

How to Write Housewarming Gift Thank You Note: 5 Easy Steps

Writing a thank you note may be simple, but it requires you to pay attention to details when stating the gifts. Your tone should be warm and engaging.

The steps below can guide you to write an excellent thank you note:

Start with a salutation

Like most notes, you should begin by acknowledging your recipient by name. You may start your note with ‘Dear Recipient’ for people you relate to on official matters. Your boss and colleagues at work should be addressed formally. You can use a unique name to refer to the recipient of your letter if they are your close friend or family. 

For example:

Dear Mr. Franklin,
To my favorite Uncle Sam,
To my wonderful best friend, Gillian,

Express your thanks

After your salutation, you should begin your note by thanking them for sending the gift. It is recommended that you mention what you are grateful for. Your appreciation should be the first thing you mention to make the purpose of your note clear to the recipient. 

For example:

Your housewarming gift was perfect; it made my day!

Mention the gift

You should then mention the gift you received and again mention how much you appreciate it. You should remember that your friend spent time picking the gift; even if it is not as impressive as you would have liked, you should still appreciate it. If the gift is in cash, you do not need to mention the amount in your note; it may seem impolite to the giver. However, if the gift is in kind, for example, a gift card, you can mention specific details like where and how you will use it.

For example:

I appreciate the bookstore gift card you bought me.
The set of bowls you brought perfectly fit the style I had thought of for my kitchen; that was so thoughtful of you!

Mention how you will use the gift

To make your appreciation even better, you should mention how the gift will help you. For cash or other monetary gifts, you can mention what you will purchase using the money. For items, you can mention how you have or will utilize them. 

For example:

The Costco coupon you gave me will really help with my bulk shopping this week.
The set of bowls will make beautiful fruit bowls.

Focus on relationships

As you write your thank-you note, it is crucial to remember that the note is meant to establish and maintain connections. You can mention the relationship between you and the recipient and how it benefits you. At this point, you can mention their title or status. 

 For example:

I am so lucky to have a supportive and dependable senior; I appreciate how thoughtful you have been.
Friends like you make my days so much brighter.

End with a positive note

After writing the body part of your letter, you should maintain the same positive tone at the conclusion. Even as you focus on thanking your friends, you should note that you hope it will be a continuing relationship for future endeavors. You can hint at future relationships by mentioning other activities you can do together. You can then sign off with a salutation and your name. 

For example:

I look forward to getting you a gift for your new home.
Sincerely, Brigid.
I hope we can create more memories in this new home.
Love, Mary

Housewarming Gift Thank You Note Samples

Sample 1

Dear Miriam,

Thank you for the painting. It goes so well with the rest of my wall art. It will be an excellent addition to my living room art collection. I am blessed to have a friend as thoughtful as you.

I cannot wait to see you next week for brunch.

Yours, Grace.

Sample 2

To my favorite Grandma,

Thank you for the beautiful throw blankets. They are very lovely and warm. They have been handy for the past week, especially as the winter starts. I look forward to using them when you come for Thanksgiving break. You have always made me feel so special, and I appreciate it.

Love, Becky.

Sample 3

Dear Mr. Dashan,

Thank you for the cash gift. It will be very helpful as I intend to buy furniture for my new home office and basement. Working under you has always been enjoyable, and this gift makes me appreciate having you as my boss even more. I hope to see you at work once we resume St. Patrick’s Day break.

Sincerely, Richard.

Do’s and Don’ts

Many common tips have been used over time to prepare good thank-you notes. These tips on what to include and avoid are helpful when writing your note.

They include the following:


The practices below are some of the tips you are encouraged to use when writing your note:

  • When writing your letter, it is advisable to use a good pen or marker instead of a pencil. It would help if you made your note neat using the same ink color for the note and the envelope.
  • You should use gracious words to articulate your appreciation. Words like impressive, beautiful, adore, precious, considerate, thoughtful, and joy improve the quality of your letter.
  • Before you write your note, you should look for appropriate stationery that would be perfect for your notes. You can get personalized cards for close friends and more appropriate ones for work colleagues and your boss.
  • You should send your note as soon as possible after you receive the gift. The best time to send it is, at most, four weeks after you receive the gift.
  • You should proofread your letter to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Before you write your letter, please list the people you will send your note to and the respective gifts they brought. This list will help you save time when writing your notes.
  • You should schedule a time to write the notes to avoid being distracted once you start writing.


The following are some of the practices you should avoid when writing your letter:

  • You should not only offer a verbal thank-you. A handwritten note always expresses your appreciation better.
  • You should not exaggerate or use too many words. A brief description of what you like about the gift should be sufficient.
  • You should avoid using a premade note as such notes appear detached and impersonal, which is not the intention of writing the note.

Final Thoughts

When people give you gifts, sending them a thank you note is always a good idea. Since the notes vary with the occasion, you should consider looking at samples to know how your note should look like. Before you start writing your note, list all the gifts you have gotten and gather all your stationery.

Once you have all your material, decide what you will say and create a practical draft. Since the overall objective of your note is to appreciate the person that brought you the gift, you may refer to your relationship with them and how you hope to maintain it in the future. You should sign off with your name even if the recipient knows who wrote the note.

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