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FREE Printable Field Trip Permission Slip Templates

Field trips can be educational, recreational, or a combination of both for students. A field trip is an excursion made by students and teachers to a location outside their typical school environment to learn about a particular subject, gain practical experience or explore a new location.

School trips can be a fun and engaging way for students to learn about a subject and provide an opportunity for hands-on learning and exploration. They are a welcome change and can stimulate students’ minds and interest in learning and develop curiosity about the world around them. However, before taking students on any trip teachers need to get the necessary approval from the parents. This permission is usually given in the form of a permission slip or consent form. The process of planning an excursion can be difficult, from getting school approval to organizing transportation to parental approval. 

This article will guide you on how to make a Field Trip permission slip to get consent from the parent or guardian of your student to take them on a school trip. The article will also discuss how to draft it and specific essential considerations to make when doing so. 

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Given below are permission for field trip templates:

Field Trip Permission Slip

A consent form is used to obtain permission from your student’s parent or guardian to go on a field trip. It typically includes information about the trip, such as the destination, the purpose, and the dates and times the trip will take place. It may also include details about transportation, supervision, and any necessary forms or waivers that need to be signed.

The permission form usually requires the parent or guardian to sign and return it to you. When the parent or guardian signs the permission slip, they accept the risks associated with the field trip and absolve the school of liability. You should present the information on the permission slip concisely. This will allow parents and guardians to review it and any accompanying information before consenting for their child to participate in the field trip.

Parents must ensure that their children fully comprehend the rules and regulations that guarantee the safety of everyone. The parent must accept responsibility for their child’s well-being and provide important health-related information. This allows the organizers to effectively handle any health emergencies.

Components of a Permission Slip

You should include all the necessary information on the consent form so that parents understand what they are signing. This allows them to plan accordingly for their children.

The following are the details you should present on a document that seeks the permission of the parents or guardian:

Type of event

Mention the event that your students will be attending. Field trips can be for various events and purposes, and you should specify the type of event in the permission slip.  In most cases, the field trip may be educational. However, you may also take them to a recreational or cultural event. 

Field trip location

Indicate on the permission slip where the event will take place. The parent should be aware of the whereabouts of their child and the exact location so they can give informed consent. Parents can also dress their children appropriately if they know where they will be going.

Individual(s) in charge

Include the name of the individual overseeing the excursion. In most cases, this may be a parent of one of the students. Make sure you specify their roles and responsibilities. You may also include the contact information of the individual in charge.

Write down the name of the individual in charge in the format shown below:

Your child will be supervised by (Name of Individual in Charge). You may contact them at (phone number) in an emergency.

Date and time of departure and return

Specify the date the field trip will take place, the departure time, and the expected return time. The parent can schedule the drop-off and pick-up times of their child using this information.

Write this information in the format shown below:

The group will depart from (location) at (time) and is expected to return at (time). You may pick up your child from (location).

Lunch arrangements

The form should provide clear instructions about food and also ask the parents about any food allergies or preferences their child may have. If the trip is for the entire day, indicate the lunch arrangements. Specify whether the school or the event will provide lunch or whether the child needs to bring a packed lunch or carry money for snacks. 

Transportation arrangements

Specify the transport arrangements for the trip. In most cases, transport is arranged by the school. However, if the parents are required to bring the children to the venue, indicate it in the permission slip.

Field trip fees

List any fees the parents need to pay, how to pay them, and the deadline for payment. These may be entry fees for the venue, and you should always collect them before the day of the trip.

Extra requirements

List any additional requirements for the trip. For example, it may be during a rainy season, and you might want the parents to have their child bring a raincoat. It is essential to think about these additional requirements so that children can have an enjoyable experience without any problems.

Call to action for volunteers

Include a call to action for parents willing to volunteer to be in charge of the trip. Ensure you indicate how many volunteers are needed, how they can sign up, and what is expected of them during the field trip.

Additional Information

As you have included all the necessary information about the trip, you should request information from the parent about the child. The following information should be included on the permission slip:

Basic student information

The student’s name, grade, and age should be included in the permission form. This is important, especially if there are many students in the class.

In addition, make sure to include your name and contact information. 

The basic information should be outlined in the format shown below:

Student Name: ______________________               Teacher:                          _______________
Grade:            ______________________            Phone Number:               _______________
Age:                ______________________

Medical information

Request that the parents list any medical conditions the child may have and the medications they take regularly. It may include allergies, physical limitations, vaccination dates, exposure to contagious diseases, or any other conditions. You may also ask for information on their health insurance and their doctor’s contact information to ensure quick access to a medical professional.

Include a specific consent section in the format shown below that allows you to seek medical attention in the event of injury or sickness:

If my child requires medical treatment, I authorize (the name of the teacher) to seek and obtain treatment for my child.

Emergency contacts

Request that the parents provide an emergency contact in case they are unavailable during the trip. This information on the consent form allows you to make the necessary notifications in an emergency quickly. Ask for the name, relationship, and contact information of the emergency contact. 

Parental consent

This is the most crucial part of the permission slip. Ask the parent or guardian for their consent to have their child participate in the trip. 

Include a statement releasing the school or organization from any liability for any injuries or damage that may be sustained during the trip.

You may ask for this consent in the format shown below:

I acknowledge that my child’s participation in this field trip is voluntary and that they will be expected to follow all rules and instructions of the individual in charge. I hereby release and hold harmless (the school) and its employees from any liability for any injury or damage that my child may suffer while participating in this field trip.

I have read and understood the information in this slip, and I give my permission for my child (Student Name) to participate in the field trip to (destination) on (date).

Parent or Guardian Signature:          ________________________
Date:                                               ________________________

Special comments or instructions

Have the parents give special instructions about the well-being of their child. 

Important Considerations

Now that you understand what information should be included in a permission slip for a school trip, you must present it concisely. After all, the parents or guardians need to internalize this information and sign the consent form with complete confidence that their child will be safe. 

Consider the following aspects when making a permission slip:

Limit your permission slip to one page

Limit your permission slip to one page. This will help to ensure that parents and guardians have all the necessary information about the trip and can make an informed decision about whether to allow their child to participate. A simple form will likely be completed and returned quickly. Moreover, a complicated or lengthy slip could confuse or overwhelm parents and guardians, leading to misunderstandings or errors.

Use a digital permission slip

Use a digital permission slip to save time and prevent data loss. You may utilize an online portal where parents or guardians can include information and make online fee payments as well. Alternatively, you may download a premade permission slip template to save time. This will help you manage your trip more successfully because it will be professional, ensure consistency, and lower the possibility of errors.


As a teacher, you must provide a permission slip with all the required information for parents and guardians to carefully review before consenting for their child to participate in the field trip. This slip gives you a reprieve from any legal implications as well. By following this article’s guidelines, you can draft your permission slips that are comprehensive and professional. You can also use premade templates to create a form seeking permission for a school trip. 

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