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17 Free Cash Receipt Templates for Excel, Word and PDF

In the world of commerce, it is vitally important that business owners maintain records of their transactions. A cash receipt is often the ideal document to record this data. The content of the cash receipt typically varies depending on the type of transaction completed. Still, in many cases, it will include information about the goods or services sold, information about the issuing party and the receiving party, a date, a location (if applicable), an amount( the selling price), and other relevant information.

Cash receipts are usually created and issued by the seller once payment has been received, either in cash or in various forms of payment such as a credit card. In most cases, business owners use point-of-sale systems that allow them to generate receipts after each sale automatically. However, if you are yet to implement such a system for your business, you can streamline the process of creating and issuing cash receipts using editable and downloadable cash receipt templates available online. A copy of the receipt is issued to the customer as proof of purchase, while the seller keeps the other copy as evidence of the completed transaction.

This article provides more information on cash receipts and where to obtain free professional cash receipt templates to streamline your business-record keeping.

What is a Cash Receipt?

A cash receipt is a document that a business uses to provide documentation for any transactions completed on behalf of the business. For example, when a customer makes a purchase, the receipt is usually issued in exchange for the sum of money rendered by the customer. The receipt should accurately reflect the cost and the details of the purchased item or service and is generally used as proof of purchase for tax purposes and warranty information.

Cash receipts should be generated anytime a business receives a cash payment for goods or services from buyers. A debit entry should also be made in your business’s cash receipt journal to ensure that its financial records, including your cash flow and profits, align with its fiscal reality. Issuing and documenting cash receipts is also crucial because it helps minimize business risks such as theft and fraud.

Benefits of Using Cash Receipts

Cash receipts provide a business with several benefits, including:

  1. Provided that all the relevant information is recorded accurately, a cash receipt is an excellent way for a business owner to keep track of the purchases their customers have made and provide specific details about the goods or services sold. In addition, in case of customer disagreements or disputes, they can be used to verify returns and exchanges and support warranty claims. Cash receipts are also efficient proof of the type of products sold frequently and are trending among customers. As such, they can be used to gauge customer consumption behavior over time, which is key in determining the need for product offerings, promotions, and special deals.
  2. Cash receipts are an efficient way of recording transactions and keeping track of the business’ crucial financial data, such as income and expenses. It is very challenging to keep track of all the transactions in a business manually. In addition, it is possible to lose valuable information if it isn’t recorded correctly. An accurately written receipt can save you from such potentialities.
  3. Cash receipts streamline record-keeping. By issuing a cash receipt when you complete a sale, you can streamline your business processes and ensure that your inventory is up to date with your sales transactions.
  4. Cash receipts are also essential for business tax reporting and accounting. You can easily report your sales to the relevant tax authority and reduce your business tax liabilities by keeping accurate sales records. Cash receipts also provide the necessary details when filing profit and tax reports.
  5. When a business records a cash receipt, it provides evidence for its customers and other interested parties that the company is an honest organization that does not overcharge customers and gives away products or services for free. This can help prevent fraudulent activities, such as customers reporting fake prices to their respective credit card companies or claiming they have been overcharged.

Note:  Cash receipts and invoices are often confused as similar documents because they both are related to payments. However, these two documents are different. An invoice is a document sent to a customer to ask for payment. On the other hand, a cash receipt is given to customers after they have paid for their purchase.

But, How Does it Work?

When you sell goods or services to customers and pay for the services rendered, you need to issue them a cash receipt detailing the sale and the amount paid. The following is a list of steps involved in accepting a cash payment and issuing a cash receipt:

Make a deal

The first step of the transaction typically entails reaching an agreement with the buyer regarding the goods or services you intend to provide. This may involve agreeing on the purchase price, a specific time and location for the transaction, and any other relevant terms of the sale.

Provide goods/products or services

Once you have reached a mutually beneficial agreement, you need to provide the buyer with the goods or services you committed to providing. You can provide the buyer with the products or services directly, or you can provide them with a contract outlining your agreement to deliver and when the transaction will take place.

Buyers bring the cash

The third step involves the buyer bringing cash in exchange for the goods or services. You can choose to accept payment in other forms of currency as long as it is acceptable to both parties.

Issue the receipt after the exchange

To finalize the transaction, you should issue the buyer a receipt that includes the details of their purchase and payment. This is usually done when money has exchanged hands, and the customer is satisfied with the services rendered or goods provided. This serves as proof of purchase and can be used by both parties as evidence of any future problems or disputes with the buyer

When to Use a Cash Receipt?

Issuing cash receipts after each sale has been completed is essential to put your business records in order and comply with specific legal requirements within your jurisdiction. You can create and issue a printed copy of the receipt immediately after a customer pays for goods or services sold, or you can send an electronic copy via email. If you decide to send an electronic copy, make sure to save and send it in PDF format so that important data such as the customer’s information, product, and payment details are not lost. Also, consider sending the electronic invoice as soon as possible to ensure the customer has it handy for their review.

Information to Include in a Cash Receipt

Accurately capturing and recording the details of a particular purchase is crucial for keeping your business’s finances in order. Business cash receipts should include the following essential details:

The seller’s information

The seller’s information, including the company name, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number, fax, email address, and link to their official website (if any), should be provided in the receipt. This makes it easier for customers to trace back to your business or contact you, which serves as a great marketing strategy for your business.


The date the transaction is made should be accurately captured in the receipt so that the transaction can be associated with a particular point in time and be referred to in case of future issues or queries.

Receipt number

A receipt number is a unique number associated with a particular receipt. The receipt number is a barcode, number, or alpha-numeric combination. Receipt numbers are essential because they make it easier to track transactions and avoid duplicate payments.

Paid by information

Include the name(s) of the party paying you in the cash receipt. This makes it easier to trace back individual transactions and calculate your outstanding receivables as you update your books.

Amount paid in words and numbers

The amount paid by the buyer for the goods or services should be indicated clearly in words and numbers. You should also indicate the currency you are accepting as payment. This makes it easier for you and the buyer to keep track of payments received and ensure that all transactions are done accordingly.  You should also provide a record of any discounts or incentives offered in the cash receipt template to encourage customers to make more purchases from you.

What the payment was for

An itemized description of the products sold or services rendered should be provided on the receipt to allow the buyer to refer back to it in case of any queries and let them know what they paid for. This can also be helpful to your business as it allows you to keep track of your sales and inventory.

Subtotal with tax and the remaining balance

The amount paid by the customer should be broken down into three sections to show the subtotal of the transaction, tax amount, and balance payable. The subtotal is the money paid for the goods or services and is usually indicated before taxes. The tax amount is charged on top of the subtotal and is usually either a fixed tax rate or a percentage of the subtotal, depending on your state tax laws. Finally, the remaining balance, if applicable,  is the amount you are owed after the subtotal has been deducted from the total amount due. The total amount due should be written in words and numbers to ensure no mistakes are made concerning your customers’ payments.

Signature of the seller

The seller, or an authorized representative signing on their behalf, should sign the receipt to indicate that they received the money and that goods or services were delivered to the customer. Remember that this signature must be genuine and accurate for the receipt to serve as valid evidence of a business transaction.

Cash Receipt Templates

A cash receipt template is a pre-designed document that includes all the necessary details that an effective receipt must have. The cash receipt templates are usually available online. Users can customize them to suit their business needs by adding further information specific to their business, such as a company logo, etc. Following the template is a time and effort-saving approach to creating cash receipt templates for your business transactions. It is also cost-effective than creating receipts from scratch or hiring a professional to do the job for you. You can obtain free professionally designed cash receipt templates from this site.

Cash Receipt Template for Word

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cash receipt template excel

Cash Receipt Template Excel

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Cash Receipt Format

 Cash Receipt Template 02

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    What Happens if You Lose Track of Cash Receipts?

    If you lose track of your cash receipts, you will have difficulty estimating how much money you made or lost in a given financial year and might end up making losses or underreporting your sales income. This can harm your business’s financial health due to possible overspending and overestimating your cash flow, among other issues.

    Losing one or more cash sale receipts can be highly detrimental to your business when reporting your financial records to the IRS. Your business may end up overpaying or underpaying taxes, which can be a hassle to fix and can even land you in legal trouble.

    To avoid such issues, you must keep your business’s cash receipts in a safe and secure place to access them when you need to. You should also keep your business’s records and receipts organized and up-to-date to ensure that you do not overlook anything.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do you write a receipt for a cash payment?

    The information to provide in a receipt for a cash payment include the seller’s information, the purchase date, the receipt number, the customer’s information, the amount paid in both words and figures, and a description of the goods or services rendered. In addition, the subtotal with tax, the total amount paid, and the total amount due/remaining balance should also feature in the cash payment receipt and the seller’s signature.

    What is a miscellaneous cash receipt?

    A miscellaneous cash receipt is used for the receipt of money and payments that are not classified as sales in the traditional sense. For example, it includes receipts for salaries, rents, property transfers, and other payments that do not fall under the business’s accounts receivables (your customer’s balances).

    Who should sign a cash receipt?

    The person receiving the cash payment should sign the receipt to indicate that they received the money and that goods or services were delivered to the customer. Remember that this signature must be valid for the receipt to be legitimate proof of purchase.

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